These are the 5 basic rules and regulations that one should follow in order to lead a healthy life. These are the pillars of a healthy lifestyle. These principles are scientifically addressed and proven to be effective in modifying the lifestyle thereby preventing lifestyle-related disorders.
These are as follows
- Take two meals a day
- Drink 2 seers of water per day
- Exercise 1 hour per day
- Fast once in a week
- Adequate Sleep
Take two meals a day.
It is observed that giving a sufficient gap between each meal helps in better digestion of the food that we eat. Taking 2 balanced meals nourishes the body by improving the absorption rate and increasing the metabolism. Studies describe about the potential benefits of consuming 2 meals per day. It naturally helps in fat loss by giving the body a chance to burn the accumulated fat reserves. Apart from the weight loss 2 meals per day also has following benefits.
Increased insulin sensitivity – it is observed that the more frequent meals, the more is insulin secreted which may result in insulin resistance. Thus 2 meals improve the insulin sensitivity thereby regulating the blood sugar levels.
MMC activation- The increased gap between each meal helps in stimulating Migrating Motor complex which aids in removing the metabolic end products thus keeping the Gastrointestinal Tract active.
Improved digestion- By giving a proper gap between each meal, we provide rest to the GIT, which reduces the gastrointestinal discomfort.
However, it may not be suitable to everyone hence, must be practiced with physician advice.
Drink 2 seers of water
Up to 60% of human body is composed of fluid, it is essential to maintain the hydrated status of the body for the ideal functioning of the internal organs. The major intra and extra cellular fluids is composed of water. Each organ and its metabolic reactions along with formation of various components of the body require water for its action. Therefore, it is essential to drink a minimum of 2 liters of water per day. Recent research show, a minimum of 3 liters of water is ideal for body metabolism.
Can we consume water during the meals? No, it is not recommended to drink water in between or immediately after the meal as it neutralizes the digestive juices and enzymes required for the digestion and absorption.
What Is the ideal temperature of water drinking? It is ideal to consume normal room temperature water/ Luke warm water.
Exercise 1 Hour per day
Exercise/ physical activity acts as a bridge between nutrition and drainage. It is essential to utilize the nutrition from the food we eat. The food that we eat is utilized mainly for the energy production. Exercise or physical activity act as a medium to utilize the energy and also aids in removal of the metabolic end products formed during the metabolic reactions.
What form of exercise?
Nature of physical activity depends on each individual considering the age and health condition. For old age adults normal pace walking for 20 minutes and Mild Yoga for 30-40 minutes is suitable. Middle aged adults can go for Moderate form of Yoga and walking. Young adults can practice dynamic form of Exercise which may include Gym, Dynamic Yoga, Running/ jogging etc.,
When to Do?
It is always advisable to practice any form of physical activity in an empty stomach, preferably early in the morning as it helps in burning the excess fat and other end products, however a minimum gap of 3 hours is advised for any exercise. According to the studies it is observed that walking for a minimum of 1000 steps after every meal helps in proper digestion and absorption of food.
Where to practice?
A well ventilated area with sufficient air and light is an ideal place for practice of any physical activity. Yoga pranayama always has to be practiced in an open atmosphere where there is sufficient air and light.
Fast once a week
Fasting is considered as one of the most important and authentic treatment in the system of Naturopathy and Yoga. Fasting is voluntary abstinence from food to provide an opportunity to the body to heal itself. Everyday millions of cells die; a varied amount of metabolic end products are formed as a natural process I the body. These products and dead cells have to be eliminated properly, if accumulate in the body may cause disease. Fasting works on the principle of Autophagy, which means the body has the capacity to heal itself by eliminating the toxins.
How to fast?
Fasting is not just a form of Calorie restriction, it is much more than that. There are different forms of fasting mainly Fruit fasting, Liquid fasting, Dry Fasting, Intermittent Fasting. However, it is always advisable to take the Physician help to undergo a therapeutical Fasting.
Adequate Sleep
The human body has its own internal 24-hour clock called the circadian rhythm. This is controlled by a hormone called melatonin, released from the pineal gland. Having a regular sleep-wake cycle is necessary for adequate synthesis and functioning of melatonin. The physiological effects of melatonin are various and include detoxification of free radicals and antioxidant actions, bone formation and protection, reproduction, and cardiovascular, immune or body mass regulation.
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